About Me

André PRÜM is Professor of law at the University of Luxembourg, where he holds the Chair in Financial and Business Law and served as founding Dean of its the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, and a qualified French Law professor (Professeur agrégé des Facultés de droit).

His research areas focus on banking and financial law, company law and corporate governance, contract and tort law and international private law. The government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg entrusted him with the preparation of major reforms of Luxembourg business law.

André Prüm is a member of the Luxembourg bar association (avocat-avoué) and is regularly requested to issue independent expert opinions in court cases throughout the world. He sits as an arbitrator in international and national litigations.

André Prüm sits on the board of directors of an insurance company, an investment fund and a real estate management company and has been a director for 10 years of a Luxembourg based bank. He is legal advisor to H.R.H. The Grand-Duke of Luxembourg. He is a member of several learned societies and serves as a President of the “Section des sciences morales et politiques” of the Institut grand-ducal.

Languages: English, French, German, Luxemburgish

Academic Positions

  • Present2005

    Professor of Law / Chair Financial and Business law

    University of Luxembourg

  • Present1995

    “Professeur agrégé”

    Facultés de droit de France

  • 20122005

    Founding Dean

    Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance - University of Luxembourg


  • Professorship 1995

    Concours national d’agrégation en droit privé


  • PhD Law 1992

    PhD in Private Law

    University of Montpellier I, France

  • Bar 1986 & 1992

    Bar Exam

    Bar exam in France and Luxembourg

  • Masters in law 1985

    Advanced master in Private Law & Advanced master in Information Technologies and Law

    University of Montpellier I, France

  • LLM 1984

    LLM in Business law

    University of Montpellier I, France

Honors - Academic Positions - Professional Experience

  • present
    Luxembourg Arbitration Association
  • since 2020
    Legal advisor to H.R.H. The Grand-Duke of Luxembourg

  • since 2005
    University Panthéon-Assas, Paris

    Visiting professor in banking and financial law.

  • June 2020
    Order of Civil and Military Merit of Adolph of Nassau

    In June 2020, André Prüm was awarded the Order of Civil and Military Merit of Adolph of Nassau with the grade of Officer of the Crown for his service to H.R.H. The Grand Duke, the Grand-Ducal House and Luxembourg.

  • 2018-2020
    European Banking Authority
    Independent academic expert of the Banking Stakeholder Group
  • June 2014
    Doctorate Honoris Causa in Law
    The University Laval, Québec-City, Canada awarded André Prüm an honorary doctorate “for his outstanding contribution to legal science as well as his leadership in university management”
  • 2013
    Columbia Law School
    Visiting professor at Columbia Law School, Columbia University, New York
  • 2012-2013
    European University Institute, Fiesole (Italy)
    Robert Schuman fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Global governance programme, European University Institute, Fiesole (Italy)
  • 2007-2013
    University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne
    visiting professor at the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 2005-2012
    Founding Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg

  • 1996-2005
    Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann
    Founder and Head of the Research Laboratory in Economic Law of the Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg
  • 1995-2005
    University of Lorraine
    Professor in Private Law at the University of Lorraine (Nancy2), France
  • 1998-2003
    Commission des Pratiques Restrictives de Concurrence
    Member of the Commission des Pratiques Restrictives de Concurrence of the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade (today National Competition Council)
  • June 1995
    Concours national d’agrégation
    June 1995 : Admitted as Qualified Law professor of the French Universities (Concours national d’agrégation de l’Enseignement supérieur en droit privé et sciences criminelles
  • 1996-1995
    Independent advisor AXA Insurance Group, Paris

  • 1992–1995
    Jean Monnet Law School, University of Paris XI
    Associate Professor (Maître de conférences), Jean Monnet Law School, University of Paris XI
  • 1995-1992
    Of counsel, Banque Paribas
    Of counsel, Banque Paribas, Paris
  • 1992-1986
    Lawyer / Litigator
    Lawyer / Litigator, Bar of Montpellier, France


  • since 1996
    Independent Board member of AXA Luxembourg
    Independent Board member of AXA Luxembourg S.A., AXA Assurances Luxembourg S.A. and AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg S.A. and chair of the audit committee (2013-present)
  • since 2014
    Independent Board member of Credit Suisse (Luxembourg)
    Independent Board member of Credit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A. and chair of the audit and risk committee (2014-present)
  • since 2016
    Independent Board member of Cluster Management S.A.

    Independent Board member of Cluster Management S.A., General Partner of a series of real estate companies

  • since 2020
    Board member of the Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre

    Charity Foundation for the accommodation of students in the Maison des étudiants belges et luxembourgeois – Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris https://fbl-paris.org/

  • 2008 - 2020
    Independent Board member of KNEIP Communications S.A.

    Independent Board member of KNEIP Communications S.A., a Luxembourg based company active in the financial sector (www.kneip.com)

  • 2012 - 2015
    Founding Board Member of Luxembourg Art Law and Art Finance Association
    Founding Member and Board Member of LAFA
  • 2007 - 2012
    Board Member of Ecouter pour Mieux s’Entendre
    Board Member of Ecouter pour Mieux s’Entendre, a charity foundation

Scientific Societies

  • since 2002
    Institut Grand-Ducal
    President of the Institut Grand-Ducal (2016-2017)
    President of the Section des sciences morales et politiques since 2014
  • present
    International Academy of Comparative law

    Académie internationale de droit comparé


  • present
    European Society for Banking and Financial Law

    Association Européenne pour le Droit Bancaire et Financier, AEDBF www.aedbf.eu

  • since 2015
    European Banking Institute

    member of the academic board


  • present
    Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française
