Research - Expert Opinions – Arbitration


My research areas reach from banking and financial law, corporate and company law to contract and tort law with a particular interest in European and comparative studies and a special focus on Luxembourg law.

I am the author and the editor of several books and publish regularly in European and international legal journals. I supervise PhD s in the various areas of my own research.

I am regularly requested to issue legal opinions on Luxembourg, French and European law and am experienced in testifying as an expert witness to foreign Courts and arbitral tribunals notably in international investment disputes at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and commercial disputes brought to the International Court of Arbitration (ICC).

I served on several occasions as an arbitrator in international and national litigations including as a chair of the arbitral tribunal.

Research Interests

  • Banking, Financial and Securities law
  • Company law and Corporate Governance
  • Insolvency law
  • Contract and Tort law
  • Luxembourg law
  • Transnational commercial & international investments law
  • Space Law
  • Arbitration
  • Art law & finance
  • Legal Education

Law Reforms in Luxembourg

During the last twenty years, I have been strongly involved in the modernisation of Luxembourg’s legal infrastructure. The government of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg requested me to prepare major reforms of Luxembourg business law leading in particular to a complete overhaul of company law, the introduction of the law on securitisation, the first law on electronic commerce, a law on trusts and fiduciary contracts as well as a reform of competition law and currently a draft bill of space law .

  • Luxembourg Company Law

    Draft government bill modernising Luxembourg company law (in collaboration with I. Corbisier) (leading to the law of 10 August 2016 on the modernisation of the company law act)

  • Space Mining & Outer Space Activities

    Study for the Luxembourg government on Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Space Resources Utilization in Luxembourg with Mahulena Hofmann, Frans von der Dunk and Fabio Tronchetti.

    Draft government bill for a law on Outer Space Activities with Mahulena Hofmann

  • Mergers, divisions and partial transfers of companies

    Draft government bill on the restructuring of companies (mergers, divisions and partial transfers of companies) (in collaboration with I. Corbisier and J.-P. Spang) leading to the law of 23 March 2007 on the restructuring of companies

  • Societas europaea

    Draft government bill on the European Company (Societas Europaea) (in collaboration with I. Corbisier and J.-P. Spang) leading to the law of 25 August 2006 on the European company.

    Draft government bill on the involvement of employees in a European company (in collaboration with I. Corbisier and J.-P. Spang) leading to the law of 25 August 2006 on the involvement of employees in a European company.

  • Competition Law

    Draft government bill on competition law (in collaboration with H. Dewolf) leading to the new competition and anti-trust law of 17 May 2004

  • Securitisation

    Draft government bill on securitisation (in collaboration with A. Couret) leading to the law of 22 March 2004 on securitization

  • Trusts and Fiduciary Contract Law

    Draft government bill for the ratification of the Hague Convention of 1 July 1985 on the law applicable to trusts and their recognition and a modernisation of the fiduciary contract law (in collaboration with Th. Revet and C. Witz) leading to the law of 27 July 2003 on trusts and fiduciary contracts

  • Insolvency Proceedings

    Draft government bill modernising insolvency proceedings (“réforme de la gestion controlée”) (in collaboration with F. Pérochon)

  • Electronic Commerce

    Draft government bill on electronic commerce (in collaboration with Y. Poullet), leading to the law of 14 August 2000 on electronic commerce.

  • Retention of title clauses of sales contracts

    Draft government bill for the effectiveness in insolvency proceedings of retention of title clauses of sales contracts leading to the law of 31 March 2000 “relative aux effets des clauses de réserve de propriété dans les contrats de vente et modifiant certaines dispositions du code de commerce”

  • Liability of House Builders

    Report on the liability of house builders (May 1998) and proposal of a draft government bill